- Sadie’s is Friday February 24. Yes you heard that right, a Friday night dance! It will be from 7-10 PM. Tickets are on sale now at the bookstore. As a reminder that if you are taking a guest, a form will have to be filled out and brought to the Bookstore to be able to purchase tickets. The form is on the new MVHS website if you go to the Bookstore page. With the dance being a Friday, the guest forms will have to be turned in by Thursday, February 23. Make sure to plan ahead and get your tickets early!
- Any girls interested in playing beach volleyball should come to as many open courts as you can. Open sand starts 20 mins after school every day this week. Tryouts will begin next week..
- Attention Toro Nation - St. Mary's food bank is asking for any extra citrus fruits that they can use in their food boxes. Let's show them some Toro love! If you or a neighbor has any extra citrus, please bring it in and deliver it to Mr. Saulsby's room 1154 - he will get it over to St. Mary's food bank. Thank you!
- Seniors - Are you planning to attend ASU or NAU? Do you have questions about your next steps? Our ASU rep is scheduled to visit Tuesday, February 7th at 2nd hour and the NAU rep will be here Wednesday the 8th at 2nd hour to answer your questions. Both visits will be in the Career Center. Sign up for these visits using the Career Center sign up form in Canvas, on the Mountain View Counseling page or stop by to see Mrs. Simmonds to get signed up. You will be excused from class for class period visits. See you there!
- Toros! On Tuesday February 7th a rep from SCC will visit the Career Center during lunch hours for students to learn about SCC admissions and the summer 2023 Hoop of Learning program. You can sign up for these visits using the Career Center sign up form in Canvas, on the Mountain View Counseling page or stop by to see Mrs. Simmonds to get signed up. Hope to see you there!
- Calling all SWAT Team members: we are meeting during both lunches in room 717 to get ready for next week's fundraiser. Let's get ready to rock!!!
- Seniors! Do you need help paying for college or trade school? Have you completed your FAFSA? We will host a FAFSA workshop night on Thursday, February 16th from 6-8pm in the library and Career Center for students and parents who need help completing the FAFSA. Food from Chick-fil-A will be available for those who attend. Grab some food, fill out your FAFSA and find out if you qualify for free money for college! Sign up for the event using the link on the Mountain View counseling page, in Canvas, or stop by to see Mrs. Simmonds and she will help you sign up!
- Toda's Black History month fact is brought to you by the BSU. In 1854, John Mercer Langston notably became the first African American lawyer in the state of Ohio. He went on to serve as the dean of the law department and vice president of Howard University. He’s also remembered as the first African American from Virginia to be elected to public office, specifically to the U.S. Congress.
- Does free money sound like something you would be interested in? Seniors, come to the free application for financial student aid night on February 16th. There will be FREE chick fil a, a raffle, and plenty of FAFSA coaches to help you apply for federal grants that could help pay for your college tuition. Don’t forget to bring your computer so that you can fully complete the application while the coaches are there to help you. There is an information sheet found on our Instagram @mvt.fafsa.2023. We hope you can make it!
- All NHS members, we have our monthly meeting TODAY during both lunches in room 726. See you then!
- Attention Seniors! Graduation is just around the corner! If you would like to give one of the two graduation speeches or you would like to be one of the students who read the names of all the graduating seniors, please come to a meeting in room 7:25 at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 8th. The meeting is an absolute requirement for those who would like to audition.
Announcements for 2/2/2023
February 2, 2023