- Sadie’s is Friday February 24. Yes you heard that right, a Friday night dance! It will be from 7-10 PM. Tickets are on sale now at the bookstore. As a reminder that if you are taking a guest, a form will have to be filled out and brought to the Bookstore to be able to purchase tickets. The form is on the new MVHS website if you go to the Bookstore page. With the dance being a Friday, the guest forms will have to be turned in by Thursday, February 23. Make sure to plan ahead and get your tickets early!
- Any girls interested in playing beach volleyball should come to as many open courts as you can. Open sand starts 20 mins after school every day this week. Tryouts will begin next week.
- Make sure to stop by Ms. Keel's Room (1135) after school today for the No Place for Hate Club. Senior Ava Jackson-Bourne and sophomore Cali Jennings are leading a lesson on healthy coping skills. New students are always welcome!
- Attention Toro Nation - St. Mary's food bank is asking for any extra citrus fruits that they can use in their food boxes. Let's show them some Toro love! If you or a neighbor has any extra citrus, please bring it in and deliver it to Mr. Saulsby's room 1154 - he will get it over to St. Mary's food bank. Thank you!
- The Mountain View Boys Soccer is having its Senior Night against Red Mountain on Tuesday, January 31. Admission to the game will be free to students. There will be a giveaway, concessions, and merchandise at the game. Let's pack the stadium and support our boy's soccer team!
- Juniors and Seniors! On Wednesday February 1st we have 2 colleges that will visit Mountain View in the Career Center. At 2nd hour a rep from Eastern Arizona College will visit to tell juniors and seniors about their school and answer questions. At 3rd hour a rep from the University of Arizona will visit to help admitted seniors, who plan to attend the UofA, with your next steps and answer your questions about signing up for housing, orientation and more. Sign up for the visits in the Career Center module in Canvas, on the counseling website or stop by the Career Center and Mrs. Simmonds can help you sign up! See you there!
- Just a quick reminder for everybody that in the upstairs of the main building there is an east corridor and a west corridor in-between the classrooms. These collaborative corridors are closed to students during both 1st and 2nd lunches. Please only use these corridors if you are going to or from a teacher's classroom.
- Our Hacktivate team developed a harm reduction strategy to help citizens of Mesa who are dealing with opioid use disorder. They presented last week and received an award for Best Data Analysis!
- Our incredible DECA chapter brought home 19 medals on Monday! They competed against 13 other schools at ASU and won 4 medals for test score, eight 2nd and 3rd place medals, and seven 1st place medals. Well done!
Announcements for 1/30/2023
January 30, 2023