Announcements Posted M/Tu/Th/F

Hey Toros! Do you need service hours? Come join the environmental club during our 2nd annual campus clean-up on Thursday December 12th from 3:15-4:15. Meet in Ms. Burchett's room SA4 right after school to check in and get your supplies.

There will be an informational meeting for the 2025 track and field season on Thursday December 12th in the small gym during the first half of both lunches. If interested please stop by.

Toros-a few college reps will visit the Career Center soon. GCUs rep will visit Wednesday December 11th at 1st and 2nd hour for student appointments. December 12th a rep from Lincoln Tech Trade School in Denver visits at 3rd hour and December 13th a rep from Western New Mexico University visits at 2nd and 3rd hour. Want to learn about these schools and the programs they offer? Sign up today using the link on the counseling site, in Canvas or stop by the Career Center to sign up!

Happy holidays Mountain View! The I.M.A. is hosting a cane candy gram in Culture Cane Lane! That you can't miss! For just $1, you can grab a classic candy cane, or for $1.50, snag a fun candy cane with unique flavors like Sour Patch Kids, Starburst, and much more! These Candy Cane Grams will be delivered during 1st hour to your friends. Come by during both lunches; we’ll have stations set up, and trust us, you can’t miss us. See you there!

Hey Toros! Do you have any clothes that are too small? Anything you don't need or wear? Well, tis the season to give to the homeless in our community! Starting today, Monday, December 9th through the end of the semester, there is a red bin located in the cafeteria where you can bring clothing donations. Consider bringing lightly used clothes such as old jackets, shirts, and shoes that aren't used. All donations will be given to a person in need during this holiday season. Donate today and share the holiday spirit. Thank you, Toros!

Winter Formal will be this Saturday, December 14th from 7-10 pm and it’s going to be so fun! Tickets are on sale NOW in the bookstore for $30 each. We can't wait to be freezing in the 50's with you!

It’s Bikers vs. Surfers Day! Take a pic of outfits and tag @mvt-stuco on Instagram so we can repost and see which side wins! Tomorrow is Cozy Day. Wear your comfy clothes!