Announcements Posted M/Tu/Th/F

The Jewish Student Club invites you to make Magen David necklaces today at 3:30 in Room 1212. Supplies will be provided, and all are welcome!

McMurray's Creative Writing Class made mini magazines called ZEENS. You can find them outside room 1206. Read one and pass it on!

The No Place for Hate Club is collecting donations for toys for tots this Christmas season. Club members will be coming to 2nd hour classes and will also collect donations before and after school in the parking lot all of next week. Bring your donations and help No Place for Hate in supporting toys for tots.

Seniors! Go check the senior portrait poster across the library to make sure your senior portrait and name are correct. If there is a problem, call the number on the poster. Go check your senior portrait today across from the library!

Hey Toros, Mountain Views's Black Student Union is welcoming members who are interested in community, celebration and culture. BSU meets every Friday in room 1207 afterschool and are excited for you all to get involved with community events and field trips, see you soon!

Winter Formal tickets are on sale NOW in the bookstore for $30 each. Winter Formal will be on Saturday, December 14th from 7-10 pm.

Teachers, please leave your recycling bins outside your classroom doors now and Student Council will come empty them.