Attention all soccer players. The boys and girls soccer program will be hosting OPEN FIELDS on Mondays and Fridays at 3:45 pm. Come to the JV baseball field to play some soccer and meet some of the coaches and players! If you have any questions, please stop by Mr. Walker's room, #1220
Service Learning is your chance to make a real difference in your community! By completing 200 hours of service before you graduate, you’ll earn a special recognition from Mesa Public Schools. Don't miss out! Scan the QR code on the door of room 724 or email Ms. Bishop at to sign up today!
Can we scare you? Find out for only a dollar! Visit the Toro Theatre Company's kid-friendly fall mini-carnival this evening and the evening of the 18th (visit us at halftime during the homecoming game!) for $8. Then, try out our haunted house for an additional dollar. We'll be in room 409 (AKA the theatre room), as well as outside.
Seniors! Are you a First Generation college student? Do you have a 3.0 or higher GPA? Planning to attend ASU, NAU or UofA? Interested in learning about a scholarship program valued at more than $100,000 that includes study abroad opportunities? The Dorrance Scholarship opened on October 1st. We will have a rep from Dorrance visiting the Career Center on Tuesday November 12th at 3rd hour. Want to learn more? Sign up for the visit today using the Career Center Events sign up on the Counseling website, in Canvas or stop by the Career Center! See you there!
There will be a driving permit class after school on October 30 in Room 307A. You may register online or in the bookstore. Please drop off a copy of your birth certificate to Mr. Forster prior to October 30.
Would you like to learn a secret code? Do you enjoy meeting new students? Have you ever wondered about how blind students read and write? Come on over to Library Study Room B, and learn all about Braille! There is a "Braille Phrase of the Week," posted on the door, and when you successfully decode it, you will get a piece of chocolate and meet a fluent Braille reading student, too! So come on down, learn something fun and interesting, bring a friend and make a friend! We'll see you in Library Study Room B!
Are you interested in earning Service hours? The Speech and Debate Team needs your help to run the 33rd Annual Toro Country Classic. If you can volunteer on Friday, November 8th, or Saturday, November 9th, please stop by room 725 on Tuesday, October 22 at lunch or after school to pick up a sign-up form.