Announcements Posted M/Tu/Th/F

Toros - is Utah Valley University a school you are considering? The rep from UVU will visit Mountain View tomorrow at 1st hour in the Career Center. Learn about admissions, scholarships and other things related to UVU. Sign up on the Career Center Events form on the Counseling website, in Canvas or stop by the Career Center to sign up. See you there!

Congratulations to our Toros of the Month!!! Toro of the Month lunch will be tomorrow at 12:15 in the principal conference room. Our Toros of the month are: Jace Garza, Trey Maloney, Daydra Wood, Thomas Write, Journey Michael, John Kemper, Receptionist Janis Wilkins and Football Coach Andy Litten! Congratulations!!! See you tomorrow in the principal conference room at 12:15!

Would you like to learn a secret code? Do you enjoy meeting new students? Have you ever wondered about how blind students read and write? Come on over to Library Study Room B, and learn all about Braille! There is a "Braille Phrase of the Week," posted on the door, and when you successfully decode it, you will get a small piece of chocolate and meet a fluent Braille reading student, too! So come on down, learn something fun and interesting, bring a friend and make a friend! We'll see you in Library Study Room B!

Admission Reps from the University of Utah and Northern Arizona University will visit Mountain View's Career Center soon. The University of Utah rep will visit on Wednesday Sept 18 and the Northern Arizona University rep will be here on Thursday September 19th. Both visits will take place during 2nd hour. Interested in Utah or NAU? Sign up for the visit using the form on the counseling site or in Canvas and attend to learn about admissions, majors, financial aid and life on campus. See you there!

Environmental Club will be meeting today in Room 1135.

Would you like to have a card that gives you access to loads of free stuff? Then come to library on September 20th where a rep from the Public Library will be signing students up for library cards. Don't miss out on this opportunity, it's easy, it's fun and it's free! Remember: Sept. 20th before school and during both lunches.

Our Interclub Council meeting is happening right now in the South pod of the auditorium. Club presidents, we’ll see you there!