Announcements Posted M/Tu/Th/F

Hey Toros, Would you like to have a voice in what is happening on Campus! Would you like dedicated time to be more informed and involved? Would you love to influence how Mountain View spends some of its money? Come see what the SIAC committee is all about. In SIAC, Students, Parents, Teachers and Administration come together to involve themselves more purposefully in what happens on our campus. We would love for you to be a part of it. Our first meeting will be on Monday, September 9th, at 3:34, in Library Room A. We hope you will come get involved.

Attention freshmen! Any freshman interested in playing tennis, tryouts will be held starting Sept 3rd after school on the tennis courts. You must have an account completed on register my athlete in order to tryout. See Ms Cyrus in leadership if you have any questions. Thanks!

El Matador, Mountain View's literary magazine is finally releasing the Spring issue, completed by our team this year. You hear that, class of 2024, we finished it! Check Canvas this week and see what awesome things our campus can create. El Matador meets after school Thursdays in Mr. Maldonado's room, 1207. We have the fish. Stop by to help us plan our next issue, eat some snacks, design a directory of your teachers, remind Maldo he was supposed to have more snacks, and help create something amazing, while snacking.

Attention Mountain View Toros! If you are interested in participating in dual enrollment you have until September 6th to complete the process. Please see Mrs. J in the career center if you wish to participate.

Calling all SWAT Team members and potential members: We just won an award and will need you to pick up a permission and media release form if you want to be a part of this event. We need them by Friday!

Are you interested in joining Mountain View’s Skate Club? Come to a meeting after school today in room 1105 to learn more about the club. Anyone who loves skating is welcome!

Toros! Are you interested in a career in law enforcement? Deputy Tinoco from the Maricopa County Sheriff's office will visit Mountain View at lunch on Tuesday September 3rd to tell students about the MCSO Cadet Training program. The Cadet program is open to students in 9th-12th grades. Interested? Look for his table on the lunch patio!

Teachers, please place your recycling bins outside your door now. Student Council will come around and empty them now!