Benchmark Testing on Wednesday
All 9th-11th graders will have benchmark testing on August 28th. Students will report to their second-hour class for testing by 8:15 with their computers, fully charged, and their chargers.
If students have PE, Seminary, EVIT, or are an office aide during second-hour, they will be testing in another room. There is a sign by counseling with these room assignments.
Seniors will not come to school but their attendance will be taken asynchronously.
Seniors will be held accountable for completing an asynchronous assignment through Canvas for each of their classes in order to verify attendance. If senior students do not submit their work for each class, they will be marked as absent. Please check in with your teacher about specific requirements.
Buses will run normal schedules.
There will not be an A hour.
Lunch will be served from 12:15-1:15.
Check out the attached flyer with a list of clubs that are working their way through the charter process and are open to everyone at Mountain View.
The Club Fair will take place on Friday, September 6th during both lunches. Come check it out if you’re interested in learning more about one of our clubs.
If you’re a club officer and want to have a booth at the Club Fair, (ASK TYLER)
If none of these clubs interest you, there is still plenty of time to start a new club! See Mrs. Turley in the admin office for any questions you may have about starting a new club.
Clubs Meeting Today After School
Youth Alive
in room 827 after school
They have snacks!!
Lit Ink Club
in room 713 after school to discuss goals for our club this year. A representative from the Mesa Arts Center will be there to coach us and give us ideas for poetry prompts. Whether you are a novice poet or an Edgar Allen Poe, come and join poets from around campus and build your craft!
Crochet Club
in room 724 after school
If you're interested in learning a new skill or just want a relaxing way to unwind after school, join the Crochet Club! We meet every Tuesday after school in Room 724. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, everyone is welcome.
Native American Heritage Club
room 1207 during B Lunch to vote on officers and complete rechartering
in room 1207 after school to share the indigenous foods of corn (popped) and tea (drank).
Check out the fall sports schedule for game dates for Fall sports, including:
Flag Football
Girls Volleyball
Boys Sand Volleyball
Cross Country
Swim and Dive
Red and Blue Crew
Scan the QR code on the Red & Blue Crew flyer if you’re interested in applying for the Red Crew or the Blue Crew.
Applicants need to have TONS of school spirit and be able to commit to attending a variety of Toro sporting events and cheering loudly in the stands!
Interviews will be held on Wednesday, September 4th.
Home Football Games!
Friday, September 6th - USA! Wear Red, White, and Blue!
Thursday, October 3rd - PINK-OUT for breast cancer awareness month
Friday, October 18th - Homecoming and WHITE-OUT with a colored chalk throw! “Oh, the places you'll glow!” We'll turn our stands into a colorful dream, and you'll leave looking like a Seuss-y scene!
Friday, November 8th - Neon Night!
Tennis Tryouts
Tryouts will start September 3rd after school on the tennis courts for freshmen interested in playing tennis.
You must have an account completed on Register My Athlete in order to try out. See Ms Cyrus in leadership if you have any questions.