Announcements Posted M/Tu/Th/F

Hey amazing Toros! The Youth Alive club will meet tomorrow, after school, in room 827. Join us for food, fun, friendship and inspiration for life. All are welcome. We hope to see you there.

Any freshman interested in playing tennis, tryouts will be held starting Sept 3rd after school on the tennis courts. You must have an account completed on register my athlete in order to try out. See Ms Cyrus in leadership if you have any questions. Thanks!

Today’s rehearsal for the fall play has been canceled. Anyone involved in the fall play should not stay after school for rehearsal. Again, today’s fall play rehearsal is canceled.

Attention students! If you're interested in learning a new skill or just want a relaxing way to unwind after school, join the Crochet Club! We meet every Tuesday after school in Room 724. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, everyone is welcome. Come crochet with us and create something amazing! See you there!

Are you interested in joining Mountain View’s Skate Club? Come to a meeting after school on Thursday, August 29th in room 1105 to learn more about the club. Anyone who loves skating is welcome!

All 9th-11th graders will have benchmark testing on August 28th. Students will report to their second-hour class for testing by 8:15 with their computers, fully charged, and their chargers.

If students have PE, Seminary, EVIT, or are an office aide during second-hour, they will be testing in another room. There is a sign by counseling with these room assignments.

Senior attendance will be taken on Wednesday, 8/28 during benchmark testing. Seniors will be held accountable for completing an asynchronous assignment through Canvas for each of their classes in order to verify attendance. If senior students do not submit their work for each class, they will be marked as absent. Please check in with your teacher about specific requirements.

Mountain View's Native American Heritage Club will be meeting on Tuesday, August 27th during B lunch in room 1207 to vote on our officers and complete rechartering. After school, that same day (Tuesday the 27th), stop by that same room (1207) to share the indigenous foods of corn (popped) and tea (drank). Skoden!

El Matador, Mountain View's literary magazine, is finally releasing the Spring issue, completed by our team this year. You hear that, class of 2024, we finished it! Check Canvas this week and see what awesome things our campus can create. El Matador meets after school Thursdays in Mr. Maldonado's room, 1207. We have the fish. Stop by to help us plan our next issue, eat some snacks, design a directory of your teachers, remind Maldo he was supposed to have more snacks, and help create something amazing, while snacking.

Attention Mountain View Toros! If you are interested in participating in dual enrollment you have until September 6th to complete the process. Please see Mrs. J in the career center if you wish to participate.

Our first Homeroom Council meeting will be tomorrow, August 27th, during the first 10 minutes of class. Teachers, please send your representative to (ADD LOCATION) right after taking attendance. We’ll share announcements about several upcoming school events there!

Have a great day, Toros!