Announcements posted M/Tu/Th/F

SENIORS- we are putting together a Senior Video for graduation! Look for the flyers in the halls and select teachers classrooms or outside room 1215, scan the QR code and upload pictures and videos of your High school memories!

Attention, all graduating seniors. Our name readers will be stationed in front of the library on May 13, 14 and 16th. Your name readers are Mrs. Land and Mr. Maldanodo. If your last name begins A-LON please go to Mrs. Land, LOP-Z please see Mr. Maldonado. We really want to say your name correctly on graduation night. So please make an effort to show up May 13, 14, or 16th.

Congrats to our track stars - they will be headed to the State Track & Field Meet at MCC this Friday and Saturday. Come show your support if you can!

Last call for milk drinking Toros. Please bring your clean and empty gallons to room 717 so the garden club can put together their hydroponic garden. Once again, room 717 with your empties! Thanks for helping make this campus green!