SENIORS- we are putting together a Senior Video for graduation! Look for the flyers in the halls and select teachers classrooms or outside room 1215, scan the QR code and upload pictures and videos of your High school memories!
Attention, all graduating seniors. Our name readers will be stationed in front of the library on May 13, 14 and 16th. Your name readers are Mrs. Land and Mr. Maldanodo. If your last name begins A-LON please go to Mrs. Land, LOP-Z please see Mr. Maldonado. We really want to say your name correctly on graduation night. So please make an effort to show up May 13, 14, or 16th.
Come join the Swifties Club every Tuesday after school in room 701. We only have a few meetings left. We hope to see you there.
There will be a Girls Flag Football Informational Meeting on Tuesday May 7th during both lunches in room 1125. Please make sure to be there if you are interested in trying out next school year.
Hey Toros! Stop by the last For the Girls meeting of the year on Monday, May 6 after school in room 1221. We will be saying goodbye to this year's officers and introducing our new ones! There will be food, games, and more! Hang out with us on Monday in room 1222
Hey, Toros! Hay is for horses! Help support the Equine Club by bringing money from May 9th to May 17th. Giant Jenga will be set up in the green area in front of the Performing Arts building at both 4th and 5th lunch. $2 each if you would like to compete with a friend, and $3 if you would like to compete with one of the Equine Club members! Did you hear about the Jenga game that went to the gym? It’s now really stacked. Hope to see you there!