Announcements posted M/Tu/Th/F

Homecoming is this week! Tickets are on sale in the bookstore! Remember, the week after October Break, there are only 3 days to purchase tickets and no tickets will be sold at the door! Get your tickets today! 

This week is Spirit Week! Tomorrow is Extreme Red Out! Show your love for Mountain View during Homecoming Week! And for anyone that wears red on Friday, Student Council Kids will have a fanny pack with a treat or prize inside that can be a free t-shirt, a free Winter Formal Dance Ticket, or even a Laptop screen extender! Make sure you wear red for a chance to win something awesome!

Hey Toros! Don't miss our homecoming varsity football game this Friday against Tolleson. Game starts at 7pm - see you there!

There will be a Driving Permit Class on Wednesday, October 25th in Room 307A. You may sign up online or in the bookstore. You will need a copy of your birth certificate. Please see Mr. Forster if you have any questions. 

Thursday, October 26 is the Fall Blood Drive! Did you know that each donation can save up to 3 lives! Think of someone you know that needed blood from either an accident, a difficult pregnancy, or even cancer. That person was sure grateful people like you stepped up and gave blood. If you are 18 and above, be sure to sign up- no permission slip required. If you are under 18, then see a student Council member or stop by room 1215 and pick up a form outside the classroom. If you have a parent permission form already signed, then return it to room 1215. As an added incentive for anyone that donates, Student Council is buying food! That’s right, there will be Chick fil a, Ned’s Crazy Sub, or Little Caesar’s Pizza throughout the blood drive, as supplies last! So come, save lives, and get free food!

Seniors - is Grand Canyon University one of the colleges you are considering? Would you like to chat with the rep about admissions, scholarships or other questions? Mountain View's GCU rep will hold a table visit today around the lunch hours. Look for her table near the gym and student parking. Be sure to stop by if you have any questions about GCU!

Toros - Ever wondered about going to an out of state school on the east coast of the U.S? How about Colorado? Next week we have reps from Charleston Southern University and Fort Lewis College visiting the Career Center. The CSU rep visits Wednesday at 2nd hour. Come learn about this small private division 1 university located 15-20 minutes north of downtown Charleston, South Carolina. CSU's top 5 majors are Nursing, Business, Biology, Education, and Kinesiology. Fort Lewis College's rep will visit at 1st hour on Thursday October 26th. Located in Durango Colorado, Fort Lewis is a Division 2 school whose most popular majors are Psychology, Business and Biology. Fort Lewis offers great ways to save on the cost of attending. Sign up for either visit on the Career Center Event sign up form on the Counseling site, in Canvas or stop by the Career Center! Hope to see you there!