Announcements posted M/Tu/Th/F

Homecoming Tickets are on sale now in the bookstore! If you are going to be bringing a guest from another school, you need to have a guest form signed by your administrator. You'll want to take care of this soon so as to not miss out! 

Come join the Toro Equine (ee-quine) club after school this Thursday at 3:30 in room 1131! No matter your experience with horses, it is a great way to meet others with your same love for these animals.

Environmental Club meets every Monday right after school in room SA4. Come join us to help make our campus and the world a better place! 

Hey Toros! Come show your love for our flag football team today as they take on the Westwood Warriors at home at 5pm today. See ya there!

Attention Toros!!! Girls Volleyball will be hosting Red Mountain tonight, be sure to come and show your support! Go Toros!

Juniors and Seniors - Whether you’re planning on going to college, technical school, the military, or you’re just not sure yet, the ASVAB Career Exploration Program can put you on the right path toward a satisfying career. Curious? Sign up for the ASVAB using the form on the Counseling page or in the Career Center Module in your grade level class in Canvas. The ASVAB is scheduled for Wednesday October 4th. You will be excused from class for part of the morning. A few weeks later you will learn how to use the ASVAB Career Exploration program to research careers that may be a great fit for you! Stop by the Career Center if you have any questions or need help signing up!

Come check out our Spiritline's Citrus Grove Market this Saturday in the Main Gym. There are many vendors to check out, including a few of our own students! Hope to see you, Saturday in the main gym. 

Calling all SWAT Team members, don't forget we are meeting on Thursday during both lunches. Have your slides ready!

Toros! - Would you like to learn about a university located right in the heart of Mesa? How about the scholarships they offer to graduates of MPS high schools? Want to learn about programs they offer like accounting, criminology, fine arts, graphic design and entrepreneurship? A rep from Benedictine University Mesa will visit Mountain View at 2nd hour on Monday, October 2nd in the Career Center. Sign up using the form on the counseling page or in your grade level class in Canvas. Stop by the Career Center if you have questions! 

Hello Senior Toros! Make sure you check your email for a message from your Peer Coach and respond to them as soon as possible. We're here to help you set up your FSAID!

For the Girls is having a meeting on Monday, October 2nd at 3:30 in room 1221. We will be making bracelets for domestic violence survivors in collaboration with PAC365 and JustServe clubs. We'd love to have you join us and get service hours!

Picture Re-takes for freshman, sophomores, juniors and faculty will be Tuesday, October 3rd from 10 AM until 1 PM in the Performing Arts Flex Space. If you missed getting your school picture taken a few weeks ago, or if you just need a retake, go to the PAC on Tuesday during lunch. Bring your proof envelope and ID. 

The Mountain View Native American Heritage Club is having a morning meeting on Tuesday October 3rd in room 818. This is a change from our regular lunchtime meetings. If you have been unable to attend at lunch, please come at 7:30 on Tuesday so you can give input for Heritage night which is coming in November.