Announcements posted M/Tu/Th/F

Hey Toros, Don't forget to come check out the Youth Alive club after school today in room 827. We will have games, food and an inspirational message. We hope to see you there.

Friday Night Lights opening pep rally - free admission on Friday August 18th 6pm. There will be food trucks, games and team intros. Come show your school spirit. 

Are you interested in Asian cultures of any kind? H-mart? Bollywood? Food? Anime? K-pop? School? Anything you could possibly think about? Then come to the Asian Students Association! Our first meeting is going to be after school, Wednesday, August 16 in room 702.

‘Ello and good day, good Toros. The Afternoon Tea Club cordially extends its invitation to its first meeting to you. Should you be so inclined, do come to room 1209 on Thursday, August 17th after school, to enjoy some exquisite tea selections. We are very much looking forward to seeing you there. Cheerio and good day! 

Hey Dancers! Interested in joining the dance club or company? Join us at auditions on Tuesday August 15th in the Performing Arts Center Flex Space starting at 3:30! If you have any questions, drop by Mrs. Carson's room 704 or Mrs. Kanaly's room 1123. See you soon!

Seniors - Time is running out to schedule your senior picture for the yearbook. Go to to schedule a sitting in the studio. You'll be able to take multiple shots in different poses, and you'll be able to choose the photo that goes into the yearbook. Your other option is to get your picture taken on senior picture day, October 27th. This will be a quick yearbook photo. Don't get left out of the yearbook! Make plans for your senior yearbook picture today.

There is a Theater Club meeting this Thursday the 17th in room 409.

Calling all SWAT TEAM Members: Our Garden Club is meeting on Thursday in room 717. Both Lunches. Let's see how we can green up this campus!!! Staff welcome too!!!

Did you know Mountain View is on Instagram? Follow us @MV_Toros to see what's going on around campus and send in your own submissions!

Mountain View's Crochet Club will begin meeting this Monday, August 21st in room 724 after school. Beginners are always welcome! This is a very important first meeting so that we can re-charter the club for this school year. See you then!