Announcements posted M/Tu/Th/F

Hello Toros, Do you wish you had a place to hang out with your peers to share life, have fun, eat snacks and celebrate Christian Values? Well wish no more. The Youth Alive club is starting back up for the 2023-2024 school year. We meet every Tuesday, after school, in room 827. Come check us out. We hope to see you there.

Friday Night Lights Opening Pep Rally is Friday August 18th- 6pm - Free Admission for all, there will be food trucks and fun! Come check it out. 

Teachers and Freshmen, listen up! All freshmen will be dismissed today at 3 pm to get their limited edition Class of 2027 Toro t shirt. Your seventh hour teacher will give you a blue ticket that you will need to present at the door of the cafeteria that you will exchange for your t shirt. Teachers, if any of your students are wearing their light blue Freshman Connect t shirt, please dismiss them at 245 so they can help with distribution. Go Toros!