Toro Golfers and Families-
A couple of points to get completed prior to tryouts August 7th at Mesa Country Club.
Tryouts are August 7-10 - We will play 3 rounds (9 holes each day) and make cuts after Wednesday's round. The top 8 scores over the 3 rounds are automatically on the team, and we can choose up to four more for the team. The final 2-3 may not necessarily be the next four in scoring. We look at grades, demeanor on the course, attitude, and work ethic.
Last season, we were able to offer a "Developmental Team" where the boys were allowed to practice with us a few days a week. Just because an athlete was on that squad last year DOES NOT GUARANTEE they will make the 2023 team and our ability to offer that program is yet to be determined. Just play your best!
Here are REQUIRED ITEMS to tryout for the MVT Boys' Golf Team
1. Get cleared on https://www.registermyathlete.... GET CLEARED ASAP
2. Download the AZPREPS365 app . Sign up for it, and get on our roster. This is REQUIRED to try out-it is how we score.
3. Download the SportsYou app. Our team code is QW3UY4AX Our calendar and team info are here.
4. Follow our team on Twitter @MVToroGolf
Practice venues have been set and will be similar to last year-Start time is 2:45 pm, Wednesday is 1:30 pm
- Mesa Country Club on Monday and Thursday
- Longbow on Tuesday and Wednesday
- Apache Wells on Friday
We are going to be scheduled for 9 matches and 5 Tournaments-see the Calendar on SportsYou for more details.
Once the team is determined, we will order our competition shirts. I am looking at a package that will include 2 polos, a light pullover and a hat. I will order these through our booster account and, if all team members complete their fundraising goals, we will be able to provide these items for all team members. Shorts will be on your own, every team member needs to purchase white, gray and black shorts. I already have team polos for a first competition until our ordered items come in.
Once cuts are made, the athletes not continuing on with the team will need a schedule change from 7th period golf to another PE course OR an academic class.
- Athletes need to be enrolled in 7th period Boys Golf. Contact your counselor if it is not on your class schedule.
- Athletes need to arrive at the practice site by 2:45 PM so we can begin. Responsible for own transport to and from practices.
- Athletes need to have completed registration in Register My Athlete no later than August 8th to compete in tryouts
- Athletes must have a 'Hold Harmless' travel release on file with Athletics Department or Register My Athlete
- Tryout rounds will be August 7-10. Cuts will be made following that. Plan on keeping 8-11 athletes. BE COMPETITIVE!!!
- Athletes are expected to have equipment prepared and with them each day, this includes being hydrated!
- Athletes are expected to wear proper golf attire for practices/matches. WE are GUESTS of the course, please ACT APPROPRIATELY.
- Athletes MUST register on and download the AZPREPS365 golf app.
- Athletes AND Parents MUST register on and download the SportsYou team app.
- Coach Pagano email is, 480-433-0832. Athletics Secretary Grace Cyrus, 480-472-6903