- Do you like Target, Starbucks, Sonic, or Chick Fil A? If you answered yes and you are a senior, COMPLETE THE FAFSA!!! Your peer coaches are hosting a giveaway and the only thing you need to enter is a completed FAFSA application. Information on how to complete it can be found on our bulletin board and on our Instagram page @mvt.fafsa.2023. And if you want to set up an appointment check out the QR code on the bulletin board.
- Juniors and Seniors! Next Wednesday we will be offering the ASVAB Career Exploration Assessment here at Mountain View. If you need help figuring out what career might be a good fit for you or want to know how your skills and interests line up with different jobs, then the ASVAB Career Exploration tool can help you answer these questions. You will be excused from class for the time you miss. Sign up for the ASVAB on the Counseling website, in the Career Center module in your Class in Canvas or stop by the Career Center in room 1238 and Mrs. Simmonds will help you sign up.
- Toros! Next Monday our rep from GCU will visit Mountain View at 2nd hour in the Career Center to let you know about the college, programs of study, life on campus, how to apply and to answer your questions. If you are interested in Grand Canyon University, sign up for the visit using the link on the counseling page! Hope to see you there!
Announcements for 3/24/2023
March 24, 2023