Announcements posted M/Tu/Th/F
  • Students, are you interested in having a say about activities and events on campus? Are you interested in increasing your leadership skills? If so, you might be interested in running for student council. There will be 2 parent meetings, the first being tonight and the other will be tomorrow Tuesday February 28, both at 6:30pm. To be eligible to run, you and a parent MUST attend one of them. 
  • Hey all NHS members both old and new, we have a meeting this Thursday during both lunches in room 726. If you just received a notice that you were accepted into NHS, you NEED to attend this meeting. If you are a NHS senior graduating in May, you NEED to attend this meeting. If are a returning NHS member, you NEED to come to this meeting. See you Thursday! 
  • Juniors and Seniors - Are you considering the University of Arizona as one of your potential colleges? Would you like to learn about the university, life on campus and the majors they offer? The UofA rep will visit Wednesday, March 1 at 3rd hour in the Career Center to present about admissions, programs of study, activities and answer your questions. Seniors if you have questions about your next steps with UofA you may also attend. Sign up for the visit using the sign up form in your class on Canvas, on the counseling website or stop by the Career Center and Mrs. Simmonds can help you sign up! See you there!
  • Juniors and Seniors! Are you interested in video production? How about Culinary arts? Is studying Business more your thing? Sign up today for the visit by our rep from Scottsdale Community College. He will visit Mountain View this week on Friday, March 3rd at 2nd hour in the Career Center to tell you about all that SCC offers and how you can apply for seniors who are planning to attend SCC this fall. He's also here to answer your questions about the school, transfer opportunities and more. Sign up using the sign up link on the counseling website, in your class on Canvas or stop by the Career Center and Mrs. Simmonds can help you sign up. See you there!
  • Juniors and Seniors! Thinking about where you'd like to attend college. Would you like to take a day to visit a college campus, meet some college students and have a free lunch? Stop by the Career Center and pick up a permission slip for a fieldtrip to visit GCU on Friday March 24th. Students with a 2.8+ or higher gpa, meeting GCU admissions criteria, are invited to attend. Space is limited so sign up today! Students will be signed up on a first come first serve basis. 
  • Juniors and Seniors! Need help figuring out what career might be a good fit for you? Do you know how your skills and interests line up with different jobs? The ASVAB Career Exploration tool can help you answer these questions. We will be offering the ASVAB at Mountain View on Wednesday, March 29th. You will be excused from class for the time you miss. Sign up for the ASVAB on the Counseling website, in the Career Center module in your Class in Canvas or stop by the Career Center in room 1238 and Mrs. Simmonds will help you sign up.